Optical Coherence Tomography OCT Sytems

OQ LabScope
Great OCT Performance
Because of its patented, low-cost architecture, the OQ LabScope enables researchers, innovators and educators to take advantage of OCT’s powerful imaging capability. Customized solutions available.

OQ StrataScope 1310 nm
OCT with high depth resolution
At 1310 nm you can image twice as deeply as with our 840 nm OCT, the OQ Labscope. That means more imaging information from tissue including skin, bone, teeth and industrial samples such as silicon.

OCT Retinal Imaging Animals
First ophthalmic OCT with versatility to work with animals in the lab, clinic and barn. It has been made available for Vetinary scientists and medical professionals who are studying retinal health.

OQ PathScope Pathology
OCT for ex vivo tissue
The OQ PathScope integrates easily with standard microscope configuration and offers pathologists new ways of looking at tissue samples. This device provides high resolution OCT images at a price point never available before.