CiOM Series – Nd:YLF 1053 nm, 527 nm and 351 nm

Nd:YLF based diode-pumped solid-state laser
MONOCROM offers solid state laser technology at CW or Pulsed, ultra-high energy or low energy, ultrastable beam pointing or any combination of features required for scientific research.
The CiOM S1 is a compact Nd:YLF based diode-pumped solid-state laser that offers a dual wavelength output for scientific applications. Both wavelengths, the fundamental (1053 nm) and second harmonic (526.5 nm) are useable at the same time.
CiOM S2 is our workhorse coming
in a compact form-factor with
integrated third harmonic stage.
The system offers pulse energies
of up to 6 mJ in about 10 ns with
repetition rates as high as 10 kHz
CiOM S3 is a Nd:YLF-based
q-switched diode-pumped solid
state laser system with integrated
third harmonic generation. It is
available as free space or fibercoupled
version delivering up to
2 W average power in 351 nm.
CiOM Select
Monocrom CiOM Select is based on
our CiOM S3 laser system and offers
an additional wavelength selection
option. It combines in one laser
source a fundamental (1053 nm),
second harmonic (526.5 nm) and
third harmonic (351 nm) wavelengths
accessible for experiments
Wavelength: 1053 nm, 527 nm
Pulse width: 100 ns – 200 ns
Wavelength: 351 nm
Pulse width: 10 nm
Wavelength: 351 nm
Pulse width: 50 ns – 100 ns
Wavelength: 1053 nm, 527 nm and 351 nm
Pulse width: 40 ns – 50 ns
- Versatile laser system with enlarged parameter space
- Pulses of 100 – 200 ns with up to 100 μJ in energy
- Separated beam, orthogonal polarizations: 1053 & 527 nm
- Rep. rate on demand: 8 – 12 kHz
- Rep. rate range 1 – 20 kHz is possible with variable pulse length
- Versatile laser system with enlarged parameter space
- Pulses of 10 ns with up to 6 mJ in energy @ 351 nm
- Rep. rate via internal clock: 8 – 12 kHz or remote
- Rep. rate range 1 – 20 kHz is possible with variable pulse lengths
- Long lifetime
- High reliability
- Narrow linewidth
- No SMILE effect
- Versatile laser system with enlarged parameter space
- Pulses of 40 – 50 ns with up to 1 mJ in energy @ 351 nm
- Single exit window for: 1053 & 526.5 & 351 nm
- Wavelength selection on demand
- Rep. rate via internal clock: 1 – 5 kHz
- Rep. rate range 1 – 20 kHz is possible with variable pulse length
Suitable for
- Scientific Research
Suitable for
- Material processing
- 3D printing
- OPO pumping
- Dye laser pumping
- Material processing
- Medical applications
- OPO pumping
- Ophtalmology
- Material processing
- 3D printing
- OPO pumping